Here’s another great story to share in our Inspiration Sunday series about Sandra who took some simple yet very instrumental steps in restoring health to her body.
What was going on….
Sandra had a whole host of issues going on. She was plagued with Irritable Bowel Syndrome which caused constipation, gas and bloating. She was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Raynauds Phenomenon which causes poor circulation in the fingers and toes. She had bouts of low blood pressure which brought about dizziness on occasion. She was later found to have Hashimotos Thyroiditis which is an autoimmune disease that strikes the thyroid. She suffered with cold intolerance, hair and eyebrow thinning and hormonal havoc due to this autoimmune disease. She finally had to have a pacemaker put in during 2005.
What were some of the things she did?….
The first thing she did was to begin an Elimination diet. She eliminated all gluten, dairy and grains from her diet.
She also followed a leptin reset diet as described by Dr. Jack Kruse. This went a long way to lowering her insulin level and getting control of the insulin resistance she was dealing with on a daily basis.
She began to take some very important supplements which included L-glutamine for gut healing. She took N-acetyl cysteine, Vitamin D, the correct forms of B vitamins for her body (non-synthetic), selenium, kelp and tyrosine.
Did it work?…
Within about one week she immediately noticed that she felt better and had less brain fog and body aches.
After about 3 months her blood sugar and hunger seemed to be under much better control.
After about 6 months her body temperature finally increased and her hormones began to function better.
After 9 months she was completely without symptoms! She does have to eat an extremely low carb diet to maintain healthy blood sugar responses since her body is very sensitive to the affects of sugars, even fruits.
A word to you!….
Listen to your body. We all have a self healing mechanism. If a doctor tells you there is nothing wrong, find another doctor who will do the RIGHT tests. Illness is not caused by lack of medicine. Food, toxins, stress and emotions all play a major role in health.
Stay away from antibiotics and NSAIDS whenever possible and choose natural remedies.
If you would like to hear more about Sandra’s story you may go to her website: or or search youtube for Bio Hacking Wellness and you will find her.
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