I think one of the first questions that many people ask themselves when thinking of raising chickens is “where in the world are we going to put them?” You want them to have the most access to green grass, sunshine and bugs as possible. Many people don’t have the luxury of allowing them to range […]
How an animal lover raises chickens for the table
I have to admit I really love animals! I’ve always been drawn to them most of my life. Chickens are no different. I’ve spent time watching them interact with each other. I’ve nurtured them, cared for them and laughed at their shenanigans! With the food industry becoming more corrupt and GMO’s becoming so prevalent in […]
Every Passle of Hens needs a good Roo
This beautiful specimen, a Buff Orpington rooster, is nicknamed “Ol Rand ‘l” after Randolph McCoy. He came to be called that because I introduced two flocks together with two different roosters. You can imagine that it didn’t take long for them to earn the names”Devil anse” and “Rand l” after the great Hatfield and McCoy characters. Things […]
How to Start Raising Your Own Chickens
Chickens are one of the easiest animals to start with on your homesteading venture! They are small, not expensive to purchase, require minimal room and provide eggs and lots of entertainment! If you are only interested in providing enough eggs for your family you can assume that you will average around one egg per day […]
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