I bet when you clicked on this article you thought maybe I was going to talk about chickens or cows or some other animal that “ranges in green pastures?” This article goes a little deeper then that. I DO talk about free range chickens on my website but they are not the inspiration for naming my website as I did and I want to let you in to the deep recesses of my mind and “what’s in the name.” Stick with me here!
I used to have my chickens confined to a very small pen or “box” if you will. They had very tight boundaries and couldn’t see beyond the dirt floor that was in their pen. Oh sure they got glimpses of the green grass that was beyond their “box” but without ever going out into the grass they began to only focus on what was within their square pen, relying on me solely to bring their sustenance and water. There were times that I threw the gates open to let them roam supervised closely by me but they were hesitant to step out, not sure of what was beyond their borders. Not sure if they could trust “it” or even trust themselves.
Don’t worry their lives are better now….
They have a large lush green pasture to live in plus a nice shiny new coop and life is good on the farm, but hey this wasn’t about chickens right?
Sometimes in life we get stuck in a box and don’t even realize we are in it because we have spent so much time not trusting what is outside of it that we stop questioning anything that is offered to us. It came to my attention with many disappointments concerning my medical care and being awakened to the land mines that have become the food industry that maybe looking beyond what the norm is and looking to how I can wiggle my way out of that gate into “freedom” so I can have some level of choice and independence over my life is where “Free Range Home” was born. It seems like the more adversity I encountered in life the more I began to question things and look a little deeper into the things I heard. I want to invite you to question those things that have become cultural norms as far as where your food comes and what your medical care looks like. Oh I’m not saying disregard your doctors advice, I am not a doctor so I will not advise you to do that, but I am saying to look into things yourself and do a little research as to what sorts of “out of the box” things might offer you support for what ails you and find a doctor that will work along side of you and consider your thoughts and questions.
Is there a way that you can look out into the open fields that are before you with all of the choices allotted to you and NOT totally depend upon the grocery store for your food completely? Is there a way to learn about the beauty that comes from supporting your body with herbs as many ancestors before us did to help restore health for a simple condition before twisting that lid on the pain reliever bottle? Even if it is just in some small way?
I am inviting you to look beyond the boundaries of what others accept without question and dive into researching for yourself about the food you put into your body, the over the counter medicines you take on an ongoing basis without a second thought and decide for yourself that maybe you can step out of that gate and make some changes. You can take some level of control over some of those things. Sure, maybe time doesn’t allow you to grow every morsel your family eats or raise your own animals but there are ALWAYS small steps that every person can take to change some of those things!
It’s time to open that gate and step out there!
Free Range Home is about the ability to Grow, Harvest and Heal whether it be small baby steps or jumping out there and doing it BIG it’s all about using the freedom that you already have to step out of that gate and change things! You can do this!
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