Today I have a great story for you on Inspiration Sunday. This lady is a sweet friend of mine and I consider it an honor to know her and share her story. I hope it inspires you as it has me!
How it all began…
Katalin had been pretty healthy for most of her life. Besides having a low thyroid function after her first child was born at 23 yrs old, she was healthy. She was always cooking from scratch and especially after her oldest children were diagnosed with diabetes she was very careful about what they ate. She had started implementing more organic foods several years ago and following a clean healthy lifestyle. These were what was considered a healthy lifestyle back several years ago which do differ somewhat from today.
Approximately 10 years ago, she started to have these episodes when coming out of the shower… She would start itching all over like crazy. Her husband and her did some research and couldn’t find the exact symptoms except for one that was extremely rare so they dismissed it and never even thought further about it. She tried everything including changing laundry detergent to some with no perfume or dyes. She tried anti-itch creams but they only made matters worse and she even tried olive oil but it didn’t help. This became worse throughout the years, and she had finally gotten to the point that she would itch every time she took a shower. They considered installing a whole house water filter but after showering at her son’s home who had one and it didn’t help at all, they gave up the idea. She then sought the help of a dermatologist who sent her for allergy testing and all of the results came back inconclusive. Years continued to go by and she got to the point that showering would bring her to tears because of the intense itching. She got to the point that she would only shower once a week and sponge bath the rest of the week. The itch almost felt like a burning sensation and would last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour and even antihistamines offered no relief.
Approximately 3 years ago, her father passed away and because she is an only child the brunt of making the arrangements and helping her bereaved mother fell completely on her shoulders. She had been in Canada for 2 months helping her mother when she began having a disabling pain in her chest. Unable to receive fast enough medical care in Canada her husband brought her back to the states for an ER visit in which she was admitted because they suspected appendicitis. It turned out to actually be a severe inflammation in her abdomen due to a large amount of stomach acid from the stress she was under. They diagnosed her with GERD and she was given proton inhibitors and a very unhealthy diet was advised including white bread, peanut butter, white rice and lots of things she no longer consumed. She was very hesitant as this didn’t seem like a healthy diet to her. Meanwhile blood tests were done and sent to her family doctor who told her that she had a very low white blood count and ferritin and the doctor advised she see an oncologist. In May 2013 she was told by the oncologist that she had a rare chronic blood cancer. The itching, by the way is one of the most common symptoms of Polycythemia Vera. A gene in her bone marrow was mutating red blood cells without shutting off. She has 62% more blood cells than a normal person. So the blood counts must be controlled. There are a few different drugs and one was chemo in a pill form or injections. She went with the pill to start with and was scared to death knowing this could eventually lead to leukemia which had taken her 5 year old sister already many years ago. She wanted to take whatever it took to stop this faulty gene from taking her life. The chemo pills did the job of keeping the blood count down but it was making her very sick with severe neuropathy to the point she could barely walk. She had insomnia, severe mental fog, bouts of dizziness so much she could hardly drive a car anymore. She also was fatigued, had mouth sores, thinning hair and her nails were turning blackish blue and of course the itching.
Her health continued to spiral downward as she went from one specialist to another and given numerous drugs to counteract side effects of other drugs. She continued to research and discovered Chris Wark from Chris Beat Cancer and The Truth About Cancer and other videos about treating cancer naturally and that was when she decided to take control of her own health.
Taking charge ….
Katalin began to do things differently to turn things around. Here are some of the steps that she took:
She found a functional/Integrative medicine doctor for guidance to help her take steps to actually heal her body rather then just treating symptoms. She discontinued the chemo pills and other medications. She began to slowly detox and she started to see her symptoms go away, her energy began to return, no brain fog and she started feeling like her old self again. She does still have the itching but they are looking into other options to assist with that. The doctor also helped to monitor blood work to see her progress.
Her detox program includes shakes, supplements and exercise.
She takes very high quality supplements
She adjusted her diet to include NO sugar, gluten, caffeine or casein, she essentially follows an adapted Mediterranean diet
She also has tried different natural cancer treatment protocols including ESSIAC tea and alkalizing her body. She also did the Budwig protocol until she had to eliminate casein.
She made sure she has great support from family, church, other cancer warriors and friends.
Words to encourage from Katalin..
“Once I started seeing the benefits that my new diet provided and the changes that were occurring in my body which was the difference between night and day, I was convinced that this was the way for me to work my way back to a healthy me and to help cure the cancer. A healthy body with a strong immune system cannot have these chronic diseases. This sparked a flame in me to follow this direction and a passion to learn more about this wonderfully made body that God created, starting with taking the INL class with Dr. Axe and many more classes afterwards… And, with this a new goal was born in my heart! I want to share my story and be a ray of hope to others who are going through this dark valley of being diagnosed with cancer. There is light at the end of this dark tunnel!”
Where to find more from Kat…
Kat has started her own blog and facebook page to try to spread the message, some recipe ideas and DIYs for more natural household products. She is continually learning and developing her skills as she goes.
You may find her website at : She is also on facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest and periscope as well.
What an inspiring story from adversity to healing while supporting the immune system naturally and giving the body all it needs to thrive! Check back next week for another great story! If you missed previous Inspiration Sunday posts they may be found below.
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