I bet when you clicked on this article you thought maybe I was going to talk about chickens or cows or some other animal that “ranges in green pastures?” This article goes a little deeper then that. I DO talk about free range chickens on my website but they are not the inspiration for naming […]
Poultry care: Handling predators
This is a timely topic for me this week because we lost one of our new laying hens. Oh, my goodness there’s nothing worse then going to the chicken yard and seeing one of your beloved hens laying there dead in a very unsightly way I might add. After the initial fury and then sadness […]
Weekly Roundup: Busting fear and raising chickens!
This week was all over the map so hopefully there is something new posted that you can relate to! Check out what was going on these last 6 days! Inspiration Sunday started off with a truly miraculous story about Kim and her journey to better health and the steps she […]
Are you sure you want to raise chickens?
The day is bright and sunny. You saunter out to your beautiful back yard and take a peek at your chickens. You throw out a little seed on the ground and grab a hand full of gorgeous clean brown eggs to make for breakfast that morning. You watch them play and chase bugs around for […]
Shortcuts to raising chickens
We’ve been recently upgrading things around here. We got some new Amish built chicken coops and put up a very large pen for the chickens this past Fall. While we were making all of the changes we decided to try to solve a few problems to making keeping the chickens a little bit easier. Here are […]
Help! My chickens quit laying!
You’ve had some good trusty hens that are providing you with some wonderful eggs and then all of the sudden the nesting boxes are empty! Here are four possible reasons your egg production may have come to a halt and some tips to try to help get your girls back to laying!! 1. Let there […]
Chicken tractors, Coops and lots of green grass!
I think one of the first questions that many people ask themselves when thinking of raising chickens is “where in the world are we going to put them?” You want them to have the most access to green grass, sunshine and bugs as possible. Many people don’t have the luxury of allowing them to range […]
Every Passle of Hens needs a good Roo
This beautiful specimen, a Buff Orpington rooster, is nicknamed “Ol Rand ‘l” after Randolph McCoy. He came to be called that because I introduced two flocks together with two different roosters. You can imagine that it didn’t take long for them to earn the names”Devil anse” and “Rand l” after the great Hatfield and McCoy characters. Things […]
How to Start Raising Your Own Chickens
Chickens are one of the easiest animals to start with on your homesteading venture! They are small, not expensive to purchase, require minimal room and provide eggs and lots of entertainment! If you are only interested in providing enough eggs for your family you can assume that you will average around one egg per day […]
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